In the past week I’ve read Facebook posts from two separate friends talking about mistaken identity. Said friends were going about their daily business when out of the blue a complete stranger starts talking to them, stating they look like a particular famous person. Actually, one was described as Paul McCartney (of Beatles fame – did I just have to describe who Paul is?) while the other was Norman Bates (Tony Perkins’ character in the 60s Hitchcock thriller Psycho). Sometimes when people are mistaken for others, we can look at them and say, “Oh yeah, you do kinda look like so-and-so.” But, in this case, neither of these gentlemen look like their famous counterparts. Back to this topic in a bit.
The m-learning train has left the station
Lately, I’ve been thinking about directions – where I’ve been and where I want to go. Unemployment will do that to you. Lots n’ lots o’ thinkin.’ Some bad, but most good. Think good thoughts right? I decided I want to focus my energy (when not focused on gainful employment) on the wonderful world of mobile learning, or m-learning, or good ol’ learning as many in our community prefer. Mobile learning, be it phone, tablet, or some such similar device is only going to expand. We, as learning professionals, need to be on the forefront of designing quality, performance driven training for mobile delivery.
Adding a lightbox effect to e-learning
OK, so I got a two-fer out of my last post. I revisited an old Articulate module and added more effects, including a lightbox effect I created. The last post was more of a journey through my creative process. The Screenr below shows you how to create the lightbox effect for your own modules. Have … Read more