QR Code? Checkmate!

I know QR codes seem to be a bandwagon item that only a few have jumped on, but I really think they are an excellent way to link to information. My son is an avid chess player and is registered with the US Chess Federation. He recently received a new membership card in the mail … Read more

NC State Parks Gettin’ Their Tech On

Welcome to North CarolinaI recently came across an August edition of The Steward, a paper publication of the North Carolina Division of Parks and Recreation.  I enjoy hiking and checking out state parks, so I started perusing it.  To my happy surprise I found two great examples of technology implementation.  The first was the addition of Quick Response (QR) codes by the state parks system on all of their park brochures.  When you scan the QR code with your smartphone you are directed to the park system’s website and specific information about that particular park.  How cool is that?  The article also mentioned the future possibilities of including QR codes on wayside exhibits and trail markers as well.

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