I recently posted a question in the Articulate Community forum in which I asked for others’ suggestions on Building a Course without Audio. I was specifically looking for ideas to make a course more engaging when audio isn’t an option. In a previous job at a hospital system, our main learning audience was nurses. The majority of these nurses had to complete any/all learning on-the-job, which often meant at the nurses’ station between seeing patients. Not the most conducive learning environment. One major constraint this put on development was not being able to use audio in the courses.
Adding a wall and baseboard to your e-learning slides
In this followup Screenr, I add a wall and baseboard to our wood floor look.
I love it when a PLN comes together
I confess. I love my PLN (personal learning network). Engagement is the key. I am not the most extroverted person. In fact in junior high I was one of those guys standing uncomfortably next to the wall while the “cool” guys asked all the girls to dance. That’s ok, I never liked Spandau Ballet anyway. While I have definitely overcome that paralyzing shyness, I am still not one to “work the crowd” as they say. So, the social media thing kind of threw me for a loop as far as engaging with people.