WWMD: What would Macgyver do?

Innovation: Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.

Simple words that have probably been the mantra of many a successful person.  I ran across these words as the title of a blog post written by Tim Kastelle and tweeted by Harold Jarche.  I kept going back to it and re-reading it this week.  Part of it was that I liked the quote about Bob Dylan weaving the rope and climbing it at the same time as a metaphor for his innovative songwriting persona.  The article references Peter Sims, author of Little Bets, who contends that you shouldn’t wait until your idea is perfect to act on it, but should act on it now, in the present with what you have and where you are.  Ahhh, there is the main point I keep fixating on.  How often do all of us do that with various aspects of our lives?

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