Using Lightbox Slides to Reduce Cognitive Load

One of the things I touched on briefly in my workshop session at the Articulate Roadshow was the idea of using lightbox slides to reduce cognitive load in your course. Building lightbox slides for certain items can reduce cognitive load and focus the learner on the meat of the content rather than forcing them to … Read more

Limiting and Persisting Choices in Storyline

I recently read Michael Hinze’s Limiting Choices – a Storyline Question, which was a response to a question in the Heroes community where a member wanted to limit learners to making exactly 3 out of 8 choices and then display the choices on the following slide. If you aren’t already, you should follow Michael’s work on … Read more

Comic Book Starter Kit

Comic book designs are great for e-learning projects. They engage people through the art of visual storytelling. For some great examples of using comic book designs in Storyline, check out E-Learning Challenge #11: Design a Comic Book Theme for Your E-Learning Course. To that end, I thought I would create a comic book starter kit … Read more